UK National GT
For the 4th year ASOIAF:TMG is returning to LGT, this time presented by community member, TO and Youtube content creator Yecats Miniatures.
The LGT is proud to host the Official UK National Championships for ASOIAF.
Across the 7 Kingdoms, Lords and Knights ready their forces. As the Major houses call their banners and sound the horns of battle, the "War of the Five Kings" sets the world of George R R Martins "A Song of Ice and Fire" ablaze. Muster your forces, swear your allegiance and march to war this year at LGT by taking part in Europe's premiere tournament for "A Song of Ice and Fire: The Miniatures Game".
Join friendly faces old and new as we continue to build the Song community a solid home within the LGT. Top games, top people, top times!
Keep up to date via the GT discord page and the Yecats miniatures YouTube channel. Links Below.
Once you have purchased your ticket please sign up on ASOIAF-Stats.
A standard 40pt A Song of Ice and Fire tournament using the standard two list tournament format on 4ft-by-4ft boards. Victory to be decided over 7 rounds across two days via the ASOIAF-Stats website.
The event pack can be found here.
The event pack for both events can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iHqEdwTrY65a13R8OQjV-onrM7NOURUOxgzHtYPvkY8/edit
Sept 28th - 29th with Friday night events on the 27th
The Lee Valley Indoor Athletics Centre, 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton, London N9 0AR, UK.
Where can I get tickets:
Tickets can be purchased from our webstore here.
Useful Links: